Back Care #3

Back Care #3

Props: None
Best to try Back Care parts 1 and 2
Back Care part 3 builds on Back Care parts 1 and 2, where you learned the practice of "up and over", and how to sit. Now we take he concept of "up and over" in to an effective transverse abdominal exercise, and slow motion walking. Slow motion walking has many balance and core strengthening benefits which directly help to decompress your back, with every step you take.

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Back Care #3
  • Back Care #3

    All levels
    Props: None
    Best to try Back Care parts 1 and 2
    Props: None
    Back Care part 3 builds on Back Care parts 1 and 2, where you learned the practice of "up and over", and how to sit. Now we take he concept of "up and over" in to an effective transverse abdominal exercise, and slow motion wa...