9th Tip for Movement Teachers - Talk
AUDIO Meditations, Breathing Practices + Tips and Talks
8m 21s
Record Yourself Teaching - Record yourself teaching regularly. This can be simple! You don't have to film yourself with video, although that is ideal, but simply an audio recording will do. A voice memo on your smartphone. Then, take your own class and notice things like:
What is your pacing like?
Do you use unnecessary words or phrases like, "Now we're going to..." or "um, okay..."
And, this one is used A LOT..."Good" or "Beautiful" - teachers say this over and over and over again when they're not even watching the class or student.
Up Next in AUDIO Meditations, Breathing Practices + Tips and Talks
8th Tip for Movement Teachers - Talk
Avoid Teaching Up Front - Don't teach from the the front of the room unless your students really, truly NEED the demo. This isn't your workout or practice time, its there's.
7th Tip for Movement Teachers - Talk
Let Go Of Assumptions - Don't make assumptions about anyone in your class. This is super challenging, but a necessary practice. If someone is larger, don't assume they're stiff, not strong or inexperienced. If someone is older, don't assume they're frail and need to be babied. If someone says the...
6th Tip for Movement Teachers - Talk
Teach To Who Is In The Room - This is easier the longer you've been teaching. Try to avoid teaching the class or the sequence you prepped for that day, when it really ISN'T appropriate for those are are right in front of you.
As a beginner teacher, teach what you planned, but then, as soon as yo...